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TypeScript - Typeof Narrowing

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    Deng Hua


Typeof Guards

类型缩小是指一种非常常见的情况,我们有一些不太精确的类型,比如说联合类型, 我们需要将其缩小到更精确的类型。

function triple(value: number | string) {
  return value.length // 类型“string | number”上不存在属性“length”。

triple函数接收一个类型为numberstring联合类型的参数,返回参数的.length属性。 当时我们看到,TS报错了,原因是此时参数是联合类型,我们需要做类型收窄。

在TS中使用类型收窄,最简单的方法就是使用Typeof Guards类型守卫。

typeof Type Guards involve simply doing a type check before working with a value. Since unions allow multiple types for a value, we can first check what came through before working with it

function triple(value: number | string) {
  if (typeof value === 'string') {
    return value.length



function triple(value: number | string) {
  if (typeof value === 'string') {
    return value.length

  return value.toFixed() // 此处value只可能为number类型


Truthiness Guards

Truthiness Type Guards involve checking a value for being truthy or falsy before working with it. This is helpful in avoiding errors when values might be null or undefined.


const printLetters = (word: string | null) => {
  if (!word) {
    console.log('No word was provided.')
  } else {
    // only loop if word exists / is truthy

Equality Narrowing


equality Type Guards involve comparing types to each other before doing certain operations with values. By checking two values against one another, we can be sure they're both the same before working with them in a type-specific way


function someDemo(x: string | number, y: string | boolean) {
  if (x === y) {
    // x and y only be string type
    x // (parameter) x: string
    y // (parameter) y: string


function someDemo(x: string | number, y: string | boolean) {
  if (x == y) {

someDemo(3, '3')


Narrowing With The In Operator

Javascript's in operator helps check if a certain property exists in an object. This means we can use it to check if a value exists in an object, according to its type alias or aliases, before working with it


in运算符用于查看一个特定的属性是否存在于一个对象中,使用in的原因是,很多时候我们会使用interfacetype alias 无法使用typeof


interface Movie {
  title: string
  duration: number
interface TVShow {
  title: string
  numEpisodes: number
  episodeDuration: number

function getRuntime(media: Movie | TVShow) {
  if (typeof ) // you can't


interface Movie {
  title: string
  duration: number
interface TVShow {
  title: string
  numEpisodes: number
  episodeDuration: number

function getRuntime(media: Movie | TVShow) {
  if ('numEpisodes' in media) {
    media // (parameter) media: TVShow

再看一个type alias的例子

type Cat = {
  meow: () => void
type Dog = {
  bark: () => void

const talk = (creature: Cat | Dog) => {
  if ('meow' in creature) {
    return creature.meow()

  return creature.bark()

Instanceof Narrowing

instanceof is a Javascript operator that allows us to check if one thing is an instance of another (remember prototypes?). This can help us narrow types when working with things like classes.

const printFullDate = (date: Date | string) => {
  if (date instanceof Date) {
    return date.toUTCString()

  return new Date(date).toUTCString()


class User {
  constructor(public username: string) { }
class Company {
  constructor(public name: string) { }

function printName(entity: User | Company) {
  if (entity instanceof User) {
    entity // (parameter) entity: User

Working With Type Predicates(类型谓词)

Typescript allows us to write custom functions that can narrow the type of a value. These functions have a very special return type called a type predicate. A predicate takes the form parameterName is Type




interface Cat {
  name: string
  numLives: number

interface Dog {
  name: string
  breed: string

function makeNoise(animal: Cat | Dog): string {
  // how do i known it's cat or dog?


function isCat(animal: Cat | Dog): boolean {
  // ...

这时候,我们需要通过numLives属性来确认是否是Cat,但此时animal是联合类型,只能访问共有的属性或方法。 此时我们需要“假定”animal一定是Cat类型,才能访问numLives属性,这里用到了类型断言,语法为: as;

function isCat(animal: Cat | Dog): boolean { // 返回布尔类型
  return (animal as Cat).numLives !== undefined

function makeNoise(animal: Cat | Dog): string {
  if (isCat(animal)) { // TS不知道这里的true或false是什么含义
    animal  // (parameter) animal: Cat | Dog

但这里还有一个问题,isCat只返回boolean类型,只有truefalse两个值,TS并不知道这个truefalse表示什么? 所以在if语句内,我们查看animal的类型,会显示还是(parameter) animal: Cat | Dog,TS还是不知道animal的类型。


function isCat(animal: Cat | Dog): animal is Cat {
  return (animal as Cat).numLives !== undefined


function isCat(animal: Cat | Dog): animal is Cat {
  return (animal as Cat).numLives !== undefined

function makeNoise(animal: Cat | Dog): string {
  if (isCat(animal)) {
    animal // (parameter) animal: Cat
  } else {
    animal // (parameter) animal: Dog